Your Nationwide Distributor for Quality Marking Flags & Whiskers

You can’t go far these days without seeing thousands upon thousands of utility and survey marking flags and whiskers dotting nearly every residential and commercial job site in the United States. While these flags can be used for practically any commercial purpose, they are mostly used by our friends in the utility marking industry to locate and mark underground utilities (gas lines, sewer and drain lines, water lines, electrical lines, fiber optic cables, etc.) so that there are no mishaps during an excavation project.
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Marking Whiskers

Marking flags and whiskers come in a variety of standard colors, each signifying the presence of a specific underground utility:

  • Red — Electric power line, cables, conduit, or lighting cables
  • Yellow — Natural gas lines or other gaseous and potentially flammable material
  • Orange — Telecommunication lines, cable TV, Internet, alarm, or signal lines
  • Blue — Indicates drinkable water
  • Green — Sewers lines and drains
  • White — Proposed excavation routes and limits
  • Purple — Irrigation and reclaimed water
  • Pink — Indicates a temporary survey area

Southwest Distributors can help you find the right marking flags and whiskers for your needs and always ensure a seamless supply.

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Call Southwest Distributors for All Your Utility Marking Flag Marking Whiskers Needs Today!

Southwest Distributors was established 35 years ago on the foundation of honesty, loyalty, responsiveness, and a commitment to ensuring you have what you need to do your job right today, tomorrow, and well into the future. We know you have options, and we would love to earn your business. All orders include a knowledgeable sales team, time saved, and peace of mind.